AD AD7820LR High Speed 8-Bit ADC with Track and Hold SOIC20 SMD

AD AD7820LR High Speed 8-Bit ADC with Track and Hold SOIC20 SMD
Manufactured by Analog Devices - AD7820LR - SOIC20 SMD Package
LC2MOS High Speed µP-Compatible 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold Function
The AD7820 is a high speed, microprocessor compatible 8-bit analog-to-digital converter which uses a half-flash conversion technique to acheive a conversion time of 1.36µs. The converter has a 0V to +5V analog input voltage range with a single +5V supply.
The half-flash technique consists of 21 comparators, a most significant 4-bit ADC and a least significant 4-bit ADC. The input to the AD7820 is tracked and held by the sampling circuitry, eliminating the need for an external sample and hold for signals with slew rates less than 100mV/↨0s.
Items per pack:- 1