AD AD8337 General Purpose DC-Coupled Variable Gain Amplifier LFCSP-8

AD AD8337 General Purpose DC-Coupled Variable Gain Amplifier LFCSP-8
Manufactured by Analog Devices - AD8337BCPZ - LFCSP-8 SMD Package (8-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package)
Supplied on cut tape.
The AD8337 is a low noise, single-ended, linear-in-dB, generalpurpose, variable gain amplifier (VGA) usable at frequencies from dc to 100 MHz; the −3 dB bandwidth is 280 MHz.
Excellent bandwidth uniformity across the entire gain range and low output referred noise make the AD8337 ideal for gain trim applications and for driving high speed analog-to digital converters (ADCs).
Excellent dc characteristics combined with high speed make the AD8337 particularly suited for industrial ultrasound, PET scanners, and video applications. Dual-supply operation enables gain control of negative going pulses, such as those generated by photodiodes or photomultiplier tubes.
Low noise
Voltage noise = 2.2 nV/√Hz
Current noise = 4.8 pA/√Hz (positive input)
Wide bandwidth (−3 dB) = 280 MHz
Nominal gain range: 0 dB to 24 dB (preamp gain = 6 dB)
Gain scaling: 19.7 dB/V
Single-ended input and output
High speed uncommitted op amp input
Supplies: +5 V, ±2.5 V, or ±5 V
Low power: 78 mW with ±2.5 V supplies
Gain trim
PET scanners
High performance AGC systems
I/Q signal processing
Industrial and medical ultrasound
Radar receivers