RCA CD4042BE Quad D-Type Latch DIL16

RCA CD4042BE Quad D-Type Latch DIL16
Manufactured by RCA - CD4042BE - DIL16 through hole package
CD4042 Quad Clocked D Latch
The CD4042 quad clocked "D" latch is a monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuit constructed with P- and N-channel enhancement mode transistors. The outputs Q and Q either latch or follow the data input depending on the clock level which is programmed by the polarity input. For polarity e 0; the information present at the data input is transferred to Q and Q during 0 clock level; and for polarity e 1, the transfer occurs during the 1 clock level. When a clock transition occurs (positive for polarity e 0 and negative for polarity e 1), the information present at the input during the clock transition is retained at the outputs until an opposite clock transition occurs.
- Wide supply voltage range 3.0V to 15V
- High noise immunity 0.45 VDD (typ.)
- Low power TTL Fan out of 2 driving 74L compatibility or 1 driving 74LS
- Clock polarity control
- Fully buffered data inputs
- Q and Q outputs