Harris ICL232CPE +5V Powered Dual RS-232 Tx/Rx DIL16

Harris ICL232CPE +5V Powered Dual RS-232 Tx/Rx DIL16
Manufactured by Harris - 16 pin PDIP package
The ICL232 is a dual RS-232 transmitter/receiver interface circuit that meets all ElA RS-232C and V.28 specifications. It requires a single +5V power supply, and features two onboard charge pump voltage converters which generate +10V and -10V supplies from the 5V supply.
The drivers feature true TTL/CMOS input compatibility, slew-rate-limited output, and 300Ω power-off source impedance. The receivers can handle up to +30V, and have a 3kΩ to 7kΩ input impedance. The receivers also have hysteresis to improve noise rejection
- Meets All RS-232C and V.28 Specifications
- Requires Only Single +5V Power Supply
- Onboard Voltage Doubler/Inverter
- Low Power Consumption
- 2 Drivers
- ±9V Output Swing for +5V lnput
- 300Ω Power-off Source Impedance
- Output Current Limiting
- TTL/CMOS Compatible
- 30V/µs Maximum Slew Rate
- 2 Receivers
- ±30V Input Voltage Range
- 3kΩ to 7kΩ Input Impedance
- 0.5V Hysteresis to Improve Noise Rejection
Items per pack:- 1