ST TS555CN Low-power single CMOS timer (Pack of 4)

ST TS555CN Low-power single CMOS timer (Pack of 3)ST TS555CN Low-power single CMOS timer (Pack of 3)
Sales price £1.20
Quantity in stock: 153


ST TS555CN Low-power single CMOS timer (Pack of 4)

Manufactured by ST Microlectronics

DIP8 package

CMOS version of NE555 timer


The TS555 is a single CMOS timer with very low consumption: (Icc(TYP) TS555 = 110 µA at VCC = +5 V versus Icc(TYP) NE555(a) = 3 mA), and high frequency: (ff(max.) TS555 = 2.7 MHz versus f(max) NE555 = 0.1 MHz). Timing remains accurate in both monostable and astable mode. The TS555 provides reduced supply current spikes during output transitions, which enable the use of lower decoupling capacitors compared to those required by bipolar NE555. With the high input impedance (1012Ω), timing capacitors can also be minimized.


  • Very low power consumption: – 110 µA typ at VCC = 5 V – 90 µa typ at VCC = 3 V
  • High maximum astable frequency of 2.7 MHz
  • Pin-to-pin functionally-compatible with bipolar NE555
  • Wide voltage range: +2 V to +16 V
  • Supply current spikes reduced during output transitions
  • High input impedance: 1012 Ω
  • Output compatible with TTL, CMOS and logic MOS


  • Precision Timing
  • Pulse Generation
  • Delay Generation
  • Sequential Timing
Items per pack:- 4